- 2014년
1. Hyun S , Li X, Vermillion B, Newton C, Fall M, Kaewprag P, et al. Body Mass Index and Pressure Ulcers: Potential Implications for Improved Predictability in ICU Patients. American Journal of Critical Care. 2014;23(6):494-500; quiz 1.
2. Cato K, Hyun S,BakkenS.Response to a mobile health decision- support system for screening and management of tobacco use. OncolNursForum. 2014;41(2):145-52.
- 2013년
1. Hyun S , Hodorowski J, Nirenberg A, Perocchia R, Staats J, Velez O, et al. Mobile health-based approaches for smoking cessation resources. OncolNurs Forum. 2013;40(4):E312-9
2. Hyun S , Vermillion B, Newton C, Fall M, Li X, Kaewprag PJ, Moffatt-Bruce S, Lenz, E. Predictive Validity Evaluation of the Braden Scale on Intensive Care Unit Patients Using 4 Years of Electronic Health Record Data American Journal of Critical Care. 2013;22(6):514-20.
Hyun S . Cancer Care and Informatics. In: Payne J, editor. Facing the Future: Issues and Opportunities in Oncology Nursing. 229-243: Oncology Nursing Society; 2012.